[java] Google Web Toolkit 1.4.61
[java] GWTShell [-port port-number | "auto"] [-noserver] [-whitelist whitelist-string] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logLevel level] [-gen dir] [-out dir] [-style style] [url]
[java] where
[java] -port Runs an embedded Tomcat instance on the specified port (defaults to 8888)
[java] -noserver Prevents the embedded Tomcat server from running, even if a port is specified
[java] -whitelist Allows the user to browse URLs that match the specified regexes (comma or space separated)
[java] -blacklist Prevents the user browsing URLs that match the specified regexes (comma or space separated)
[java] -logLevel The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or ALL
[java] -gen The directory into which generated files will be written for review
[java] -out The directory to write output files into (defaults to current)
[java] -style Script output style: OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or DETAILED (defaults to OBF)
[java] and
[java] url Automatically launches the specified URL