a bee in my ear
Dear love, you have always been there for me,
yet vanished slowly.. Now, in dreams I see
your beauty and soul, and love I rejoice.
Sweet song. Now! I hear can your voice
Like a bee in my ear, humming so sweet,
dreaming of the day we will again meet.
The day will never come -- is what I fear.
Cruel world! There is no way you would come near.
Tonight, visit me in dreams of years past,
good times together, went past all too fast.
Java final keyword
GWT: Override StackPanel onBroswerEvent()
An inner class is a customized class that is used inside a java class. The main purpose of inner class is to use a generic method that may be problematic to use in the actual class. This is a useful concept when using when using onBrowserEvent(Event event) method for instance in google web toolkit because I could not initialize an event in the original java class. Below are the step t implement this:
- Create a private inner class StackPanelNav that extends the container/super class StackPanel:
Boogey man
To avoid emberassment most people will not point out the feeble, disabled, nor the will not admit their own, deepest fallacy, or limitation. Most people cannot come to terms that their lives are finite, that once they die it will not continue, that there may be no saving grace boyond.
Over the millenia were devising things that were not, monsters and the seas that dropped into never ending abbys if you travelled to far from home. People have real talent devising stories. There is a boogey man under each child's bed and there is a different god in each culture.
Some may argue that it is really the same boogey man for all of us, but once some of us grow up we realize that there is really nothing worth mentioning there.
This would be fine, some might argue, since everyone is entitled to their own believes, but what if these believes prevent is from living our lives to the fullest?
What if these false believes cause wars, or cause us not to explore the seas being afraid of the mosters and what if they terriffy the little kid with a boogey man ?
Aren't we supposed to look under the bed, turn the lights on, and have a deep conversation and tell the scared kid -- there is no Boogey man, don't be scared.
GWT: Auto-saving a TextArea
private class TextAreaAutoSave extends TextArea{public TextAreaAutoSave(){super();}@Overrideprotected void onDetach(){if (saveButton != null)saveButton.click();}}
Prayer of Bodhisattva
Thru night they creep
They stab again
My soul with pain
What should I choose?
To fight -- and loose?
To love and cherish?
Each way I'll perish.
Have peaceful mind,
Mindfull and kind,
Do what's your best,
Don't mind the rest.
HTML: adding bullets
- First element
- Second element
- Third element
- First element
- Second element
- Third element
Tomato soup receipe
- Boil the beef (lamb, deer, etc.) bone to create a broth
- Put in chicken legs and boil them to get a richer broth
- add whole baby carrots, halved onion, parsley, celery (dry flakes are OK)
- add all-spice (whole) other herbs to taste
- after the chicken is boiled, take it out and fry in on butter with paprika, cayenne and cajun spices until crisp
- add to the soup a few drops of sesame oil, cayenne and black pepper
- mix diced tomatoes on the frying pan on butter, add canned tomato paste if needed, add it to the soup
- mix couple of spoons of flower with cold water, gradually add soup to it and slowly mix it all into the soup
- mix a small yogurt with he soup gradually (vanilla yogurt works well)
- let soup slowly boil for all the herbs and spices to give up aroma, all day, or overnight
- fish out the onions and celery if it was fresh
- boil the thick noodles (pol. kluski), or rice separately from the soup and add on the plate
This week plans
I might take time off work Thursday, or Friday for sailing if the weather is
nice. Check this blog for updates, I really want to get out few more times this season.Steven Pinker - The Blank Slate
Forget about separation of religion from politics.
Well the research shows that nearly 80% of Americans believe in biblical account of creation, versus only 15% in evolution.
Now, if you don't see how deeply sad and troubling it is, don't despair, you are not alone, 8 out of 10 people will not.
Politicans being glorified, yet the still sleazy snake oil salesmen, would never dare to oppose 80% of the public opinion -- even if they believed otherwise -- sadly, most of them don't.
Then again, there is a bright side. In feudal Japan there was about 7% of educated class, in medival Europe even less, so 15% in USA is not bad.
I am sure that with another 20 years of teaching evolution and ecology in every school (they did teach me both 20 years ago in Poland), we can get to, well maybe 20%, that is if some RELIGIOUS WAR will not wipe us out first.
Sailing 37 foot Jeanneau out of Monroe
Me, Uki.
The wind was very light, at most 7 knots South-East, no waves, so there was not much work on the boat, but to relax and soak up the sun.
Jeanneau 37 is a beautiful boat inside and out.
It is set up for charters with all the running lines to the cockpit and with the in-mast furling mainsail that makes it very easy to operate.
You can get this perspective on Chicago ONLY from water, people who are not yachties miss the point of living in this town.
This is as far as we sailed today, the turning mark, from, and to the Monroe Harbor. Not far, but again there was barely any wind.
Saturday sailing
Mac: changing default internet browser

My favorite quotations..
“A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” by Robert A. Heinlein
"We are but habits and memories we chose to carry along." ~ Uki D. Lucas
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