I had to compromise and started going to the Mundelein Park Distrct ($25/mo.). Despite of the lower quality, the have most of the machines I would want and the have indoor track, which I take for a spin to shake out muscles. I usually work on eliptical treadmill that imitates running/climbing (500 cal burned) -- something I will need this winter for snow shoe hiking. After that, I do machine stomach crunches until hurting, then I do machine twisting muscles to tone the abdomen. I finish the workout with various upper body machines and some yoga stretching.
I feel much better since I started and the sight of other healthy peoples from my town makes me happy, Mundelein felt to me as sad old place.
Mundelein Park District Gym
Clearing of the Riesling Ice Wine
should be ready, you can see the yeast on the bottom
iPhone: Nimbuzz in, AIM out
The truth is that Skype totally dropped the ball on iPhone and AIM client was so bad, it was most of the time unusable.
The new application, Nimbuzz, provides support for most of the chat networks in the nice package.
Big pros for me:
- All networks in one design - no switching
- Skype - finally a good client
- AIM / MobileMe / iChat
- big horizontal keyboard typing
- no photo transfer (yet)
- the list of contacts is very long, it would be nice if they were sorted by status ("online" on the top)
- (option) hide all "Away" contacts
- AIM often shows message that it is "temporarily unavailable"
- no full names of the contacts (frankly I don't remember all the user names of all the people I have)
- ability to make fonts smaller in the chat to show more messages while typing
- better fitting of the messages (balloons?)
- no group support (yet), I need a small groups like "friends", "work" and "all others"
New wine mix
1 US. gallon of Apple Cider (Jewel)
5 lb of Clover Honey (SueBee)
420 ml of Rose Hip Syrup
1 L of Wild Strawberry Syrup (Polonaise)
Are we all lone?
Everyone says I look depressed in here, not really the truth, I did not feel depressed, I am just depressing person in general, but that is the effect I have on others, not myself.
I actually like this pic, rare occasion when I am not shaved, little scruffy look, but ok.
OK, another try here...
after the haircut (December 15, 2008)
iPhone: add app icon SDK 3.1
- create 57x57 pixel "icon.png" image file (any other name will do)
- drag that image to Resources folder (check the copy option)
- in Info.plist edit "Icon File" - CFBundleIconFile property, enter the name e.g. "icon.png"

Riesling ice wine
This picture was taken at the beginning of the secondary fermentation in the 3 U.S. gallon carboy.
You can see a smaller juice bottle on the left, I added the yeast from the primary (the silt left on the bottom), some more sugar and yeast nutrients to re-start the fermentation for the next batch. This is an alternative if the new yeast pockets are not available every time you make wine batch.
SVN - remove .svn, UNIX find, rm commands
find . -name '.svn' | xargs rm -fr
Mail Server for Mac
To Aspirin and Zentec
my voice is worn
inside I am torn
my soul feels hollow
Zentec I swallow
to help my chest
I hope to rest
Aspirin for heart
that hurts with dart
that pains me dear
the end feels near
tired to death,
with heavy breath
I go to sleep
lay down and weep
life took a bite
too weak to write..
Regular expression: user input validation checks
String regexExp = "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+[.a-zA-Z0-9_-]+@[a-zA-Z0_.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]+$";String regexExp2 = "^[a-zA-Z]+@[a-zA-Z0_.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]+$";
String errMessage = "Invalid email address.";
Validate alpha numeric properties:
String regexExp = "[a-zA-z0-9]*";
Validate numeric properties:
String regexExp = "^[-+]?\\d*\\.?\\d*$";
Validate alpha properties:
String regexExp = "^([a-zA-Z\\s-\']+)$";
Validate URL properties:
String regexExp = "(HTTPS?://)[A-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,6}([\\w\\d:#@%/;$()~_?\\+\\-=\\\\\\.&]*)";
Alan Shore
With genius mind, wonderful wit
in Boston Legal he is a hit
blunt and arrogant with hubris shell,
heart of compassion; human as well.
Moral dilemma, difficult case
unpredictable in many ways
spiced with the sex, lonely but liked,
in courtroom shows all of his might
beautiful girls forever more
I wanna be like Alan Shore
SQL: simple database insert statement
insert into org_attribute (name,value,organization,level) values
('name_a', 'My Company.', '1', 2),
('name_b', 'Your Company', '2', 2);
HTML: mailto tag
Using HTML mailto tag, you can open local system mail client to automatically open a new mail window. When a user clicks on an email address in the webpage, this tag will open up a new email message. Use below example to use this tag:
#book: At The Mercy Of The Sea by John Kretschmer
"At the Mercy of the Sea: The True Story of Three Sailors in a Caribbean Hurricane" by John Kretschmer is a gripping narrative that intertwines the fates of three sailors who faced one of the most devastating hurricanes in the Atlantic.
The book details the tragic events when Hurricane Lenny, "the wrong-way hurricane" because of its unusual path, struck the Caribbean in 1999.
"At the Mercy of the Sea" should be praised for its visceral and detailed storytelling that not only captures the physical challenges of sailing in such extreme conditions but also the emotional and psychological trials faced by the sailors.
The book might be appreciated for its deep humanity and the respectful way it addresses maritime disasters and their consequences.
Button Alignment
Button selectOther = new Button("My Button");
favListing.setCellHorizontalAlignment(selectOther, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER);
Java comparator
Java provides comparator interface which is used to order elements in collection objects such as TreeMape or TreeSet. Below is an example of a comparator method:
public int compareTo(Administrator admin)
entityValue.put("Application", 1);
entityValue.put("Organization", 2);
entityValue.put("League", 3);
entityValue.put("Team", 4);
int thisIndex = entityValue.get(this.entityName).intValue();
int otherIndex = entityValue.get(admin.getEntityName()).intValue();
int compare = thisIndex - otherIndex;
if (compare == 0)
compare = this.entityID.intValue() - admin.getEntityID().intValue();
return compare;
You can call the compareTo method for a TreeSet collection for example.
SQL: query
My favorite quotations..
“A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” by Robert A. Heinlein
"We are but habits and memories we chose to carry along." ~ Uki D. Lucas
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