You can import table data from text file.
If columns are matched in order to delimited file, then it is very easy, example data:
column1data|column2data|column3data| |column5data
Note that the file name should be the exact name of the table you are writing to:
uki: ~ $ mysqlimport --local -u root --fields-terminated-by="|" sears_product_info /Users/uki/Documents/XYZ/table_name.txt
database_name. table_name: Records: 526733 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 526733 Warnings: 557695
Note that if the record already exists then it will not be imported again (a good feature for me).
If you want to clean the table content then you execute
DELETE FROM database_name. table_nameThe import of 500,000 records may take up to 10 minutes on MacBook Pro.