CyberWalkAbout apps: This Chicago mobile development company has released several apps for iPhones, Android and iPads over the past several months. The Chicago Local Guide app helps Chicagoans and tourists find the city's attractions, as well as cultural, social, art, food and technology events. It was an award winner in the recent Apps for Metro Chicago Illinois competition. The Taxi Share app, which CyberWalkAbout developed with Daniel Fedor, helps people find someone else heading to the same destination so they can share a taxi ride. And the ChildrenTV app aims to keep kids occupied and educated with more than 800 videos. The firm recently issued a multilingual version of the ChildrenTV app for iPads. CyberWalkAbout CEO Uki Lucas calls it “a cute and useful application that makes the process of teaching foreign languages an interactive session for both parents and kids.”
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