Just too much.. My 5 reasons why I will stop banking with Citibank.
I have been banking with Citi for 12 years, an experience that may come soon to an end.
Problem 1.
About a month ago I received a message that I will be receiving a new card because of the account information stolen via Target.
~ "No problem", but I have not received any card.
One day my card stopped to work, I tried to log in to my Citi (https://online.citibank.com/US/Welcome.c) and I could not.. Total cut off.
I felt like in one of these movies then the FBI kills all your credit card accounts.
Knowing that it may be related to issuance of new card I went thru every piece of mail I got in 4 months, but I did not find a new one.
I went to the bank and they quickly resolved my card problem, it was about Target.
Problem 2)
I went to the bank to change my address. While in there I confirmed the new address and got an official letter of the address which I needed for something. Great!
Couple of days latter I receive mail saying I changed address.. my company name was listed as a street address!
Problem 3)
After address change fix I used my card at gas station. Rejected, OK it happens. I have another card, so I used it. After few rejections (driving LA to Chicago) I figured out that I had to enter my OLD address zip as confirmation. Later, I found out that they did change the address of my business mailing address, but not the mailing address, or some version of that.
Problem 4)
My business' debit card stopped working entirely. The did not call me about it, just froze it. Reason? Some fraudulent $1 charge from Kansas on April 4. I was in Illinois during that time. I understand security and protecting me, but killing my card without letting me know via phone AND email is bad business.
Problem 5)
A day after I spent fixing problem #4 with a banker, my personal card is frozen again, I cannot log in to Citibank online again, repetition of of problem #1. They will send me a new card tomorrow. I will start looking for new bank this weekend, too.
To summarize out of 2 cards I have with Citi, neither one works today, unrelated problems.
In general, the Citi business website is a horrible experience, I hate using it. the personal Citi online is a little better, I pay my bills with it, but transferring money is really, really bad experience.
Why should I keep banking with Citi?
If you had similar problems please comment, this should not go on quietly.
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My favorite quotations..
“A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” by Robert A. Heinlein
"We are but habits and memories we chose to carry along." ~ Uki D. Lucas
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