Mac: USB to Serial conversion to read i.MX6 SL board using PL2303 chipset cable


Ability to control i.MX6 board from Mac using USB port.


I have a following configuration:

- Mac USB <-> DB9 Serial <-> "DEBUG" DB9 <-> i.MX6 SL board's "J17" (UART)


I downloaded CoolTerm

Uninstalled previous versions:
$ sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/ProlificUsbSerial.kext
$ sudo rm -rf /var/db/receipts/*PL2303*.*

$ sudo rm -rf /var/db/receipts/*ProlificUSbSerial*.*

Downloaded and installed new DRIVER:
/Applications/USB_to_Serial/Prolific_PL2303/Mac/Mac\ OS\ 10.6-10.10/PL2303_MacOSX_v1.5.1.pkg


You may need to click Re-Scan Serial Ports to detect "usbserial"
The only change you have to make it to change speed to 115200.

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