How to build a sailboat half-model?
Julia DataFrames
Filtering DataFrame
New Syntax
Syntax explained:
- from original "data" (type DataFrames)
- create new "dataA" (type DataFrames)
- filter indices in column "Treatment" with values equal to "A"
- include ALL COLUMNS indicated by ":"
- Show the first 6 rows
dataA = data[isequal.(data.Treatment, "A"), : ]
first(dataA, 6)
6 rows × 5 columns
Age | WCC | CRP | Treatment | Result | |
Int64 | Float64 | Int64 | String | String | |
1 | 37 | 10.2 | 30 | A | Worse |
2 | 67 | 10.4 | 70 | A | Worse |
3 | 42 | 10.4 | 100 | A | Static |
4 | 56 | 12.5 | 80 | A | Worse |
5 | 60 | 9.5 | 0 | A | Static |
6 | 62 | 13.7 | 10 | A | Worse |
Deprecated Syntax
# dataA = data[data[:Treatment] .== "A", :]
Warning: `getindex(df::DataFrame, col_ind::ColumnIndex)` is deprecated, use `df[!, col_ind]` instead.
Julia packages (Pkg)
Here are the Julia packages I have been using so far, I keep this list in case I need to re-install Julia.
Un-comment, install and pre-compile the package you need:
import Pkg
# Pkg.add("Atom")
# using Atom
# Pkg.add("BinDeps")
# using BinDeps
# Pkg.add("CSV")
# using CSV
# Pkg.add("CUDAapi")
# using CUDAapi
# Pkg.add("Calculus")
# using Calculus
# Pkg.add("CodecZlib")
# using CodecZlib
# Pkg.add("Codecs")
# using Codecs
# Pkg.add("ColorTypes")
# using ColorTypes
# Pkg.add("Colors")
# using Colors
# Pkg.add("Combinatorics")
# using Combinatorics
# Pkg.add("Compat")
# using Compat
# Pkg.add("Compose")
# using Compose
# Pkg.add("Contour")
# using Contour
# Pkg.add("DataArrays")
# using DataArrays
# Pkg.add("DataFrames")
# using DataFrames
# Pkg.add("DataStructures")
# using DataStructures
# Pkg.add("Distances")
# using Distances
# Pkg.add("Distributions")
# using Distributions
# Pkg.add("FileIO")
# using FileIO
# Pkg.add("FixedPointNumbers")
# using FixedPointNumbers
# Pkg.add("Flux")
# using Flux
# Pkg.add("ForwardDiff")
# using ForwardDiff
# Pkg.add("GLM")
# using GLM
# Pkg.add("GR")
# using GR
# Pkg.add("GZip")
# using GZip
# Pkg.add("GeometryBasics")
# using GeometryBasics
# Pkg.add("Hexagons")
# using Hexagons
# Pkg.add("HypothesisTests")
# using HypothesisTests
# Pkg.add("IJulia")
# using IJulia
# Pkg.add("JSON")
# using JSON
# Pkg.add("Juno")
# using Juno
# Pkg.add("KernelDensity")
# using KernelDensity
# Pkg.add("Knet")
# using Knet
# Pkg.add("Lathe")
# using Lathe
# Pkg.add("Loess")
# using Loess
# Pkg.add("Measures")
# using Measures
# Pkg.add("Metalhead")
# using Metalhead
# Pkg.add("NaNMath")
# using NaNMath
# Pkg.add("OffsetArrays")
# using OffsetArrays
# Pkg.add("Optim")
# using Optim
# Pkg.add("PDMats")
# using PDMats
# Pkg.add("Parameters")
# using Parameters
# Pkg.add("Plots")
# using Plots
# Pkg.add("Polynomials")
# using Polynomials
# Pkg.add("Primes")
# using Primes
# Pkg.add("PyCall")
# using PyCall
# Pkg.add("PyPlot")
# using PyPlot
# Pkg.add("QuartzImageIO")
# using QuartzImageIO
# Pkg.add("RDatasets")
# using RDatasets
# Pkg.add("Reexport")
# using Reexport
# Pkg.add("Rmath")
# using Rmath
# Pkg.add("Roots")
# using Roots
# Pkg.add("Showoff")
# using Showoff
# Pkg.add("SortingAlgorithms")
# using SortingAlgorithms
# Pkg.add("StaticArrays")
# using StaticArrays
# Pkg.add("StatsBase")
# using StatsBase
# Pkg.add("StatsFuns")
# using StatsFuns
# Pkg.add("StatsPlots")
# using StatsPlots
# Pkg.add("TensorFlow")
# using TensorFlow
# Pkg.add("TextAnalysis")
# using TextAnalysis
# Pkg.add("TinySegmenter")
# using TinySegmenter
# Pkg.add("URIParser")
# using URIParser
# Pkg.add("UnicodePlots")
# using UnicodePlots
# Pkg.add("WordTokenizers")
# using WordTokenizers
# Pkg.add("Dates")
# using Dates
# Pkg.add("DelimitedFiles")
# using DelimitedFiles
# Pkg.add("SHA")
# using SHA
# Pkg.add("Statistics")
# using Statistics
"Rata Die". Counting Days since...
Counting Days since...
# col1 is an exported column of dates
lastDay = 54 # last row in the column sorted by the date
daysSince(x) = Dates.datetime2rata(x) - Dates.datetime2rata(col1[lastDay])
arrayDays = Array{Int64}(undef, lastDay) # array size is 54
for i = 1:lastDay
arrayDays[i] = daysSince(col1[i])
54-element Array{Int64,1}:
Flux: The Julia Machine Learning Library
Flux is a machine learning library writer in Julia language.
(v1.3) pkg> add Flux
Julia language, read delimited files (CSV) with "readdlm"
When trying to execute:
wikiEVDraw = readdlm("wikipediaEVDraw.csv", ',') # getting quotes right is important!
I get the following error:
UndefVarError: readdlm not defined.
help?> readdlm search: readdir Couldn't find readdlm Perhaps you meant readdir, read, read!, real or readchomp No documentation found. Binding readdlm does not exist.
In this case use:
using DelimitedFileswikiEVDraw = readdlm("wikipediaEVDraw.csv", ',') # getting quotes right is important!
Using Julia Language with AWS Lambda functions.
Here is a Julia language library to operate with AWS Lamda functions:
Arrays in Julia Language
Way to create an Array in Julia language:
A simple way of creating an array
array18 = fill(18, 4) # values of 18, 4 rows
4-element Array{Int64,1}:
Float64, 2-dimensional, 4-rows, 3-columns
A = Array{Float64,2}(undef, 4,3)
# Array of floats, 2-dimentional, populate with undefiled data, 4-rows, 3-columns
4×3 Array{Float64,2}:
2.40692e-314 5.0e-324 1.5e-323
2.39671e-314 2.40692e-314 1.5e-323
2.40692e-314 2.40692e-314 1.0e-323
2.40692e-314 2.40692e-314 2.38725e-314
A[1,1] = 123
4×3 Array{Float64,2}:
123.0 5.0e-324 2.5e-323
2.38296e-314 2.38338e-314 2.5e-323
2.38338e-314 2.38338e-314 1.0e-323
2.38338e-314 2.38338e-314 2.64889e-32
Abstract Type Integer
A = Array{Integer}(undef,2,3)
2×3 Array{Integer,2}:
#undef #undef #undef
#undef #undef #undef
Concreate Type Int64
A = Array{Int64}(undef,2,3)
2×3 Array{Int64,2}:
4826207760 4826207824 4826207888
4826207792 4826207856 4825801360
Special Characters used for Math, ML, Logic in Jupyther Lab
Here is a quick cheat sheet of useful Unicode characters you can use in Jupyther Lab and Julia language:
Greek Alphabet
α \alpha
β \beta
γ \gamma
∇ \delta
λ \lambda
μ \mu
Machine Learning
∡ \measuredangle∑ \sum
± \pm (plus minus)
⌀ \diameter
0° 0\degree
∴ \thereforeUsing Linear Regression with Julia Language
Linear Regression
What is a Linear Regression?
Selecting the best "fit" line to predict the data.
Calculating the deviations (the error)
My favorite quotations..
“A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” by Robert A. Heinlein
"We are but habits and memories we chose to carry along." ~ Uki D. Lucas
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