So far this is my favorite skiing resort.
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Sayed Pervez Kambaksh
Reading this outrageous case, solidifies my opinion that all political
leaders and the laws governing people should be separated from the
religion. I can understand poverty, starvation, Malaria, HIV and other
epidemics that decimate the World, I can understand the ethnic wars
over territories of land, yet it makes me sick that even today there
are countries where the court of law is XII century (I am giving them
a credit of the doubt by not placing them in seventh century).
leaders and the laws governing people should be separated from the
religion. I can understand poverty, starvation, Malaria, HIV and other
epidemics that decimate the World, I can understand the ethnic wars
over territories of land, yet it makes me sick that even today there
are countries where the court of law is XII century (I am giving them
a credit of the doubt by not placing them in seventh century).
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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Highway 140, Nevada to Oregon
This highway is one of the most remote places you can find yourself at
11 at night in the middle of winter with the forecast to snow.
11 at night in the middle of winter with the forecast to snow.
There is nothing there for many hours of high elevation driving,
except for hopping bunnies. Luckily, it did not snow, the sky was
wonderfully starry.
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Japanese archery
I love the concept of Japanese meditative archery kyudo, but often in practice the execution is just pathetic.
So often it makes me just sick to watch it, as if they were doing the opposite of the original intent:
- wobbly grandpas and grandmas that obviously never practice anymore,
- badly choreographed and unnecessary movements such as Shinto priests carrying the bow by one end like a little baby, which may be respectful, but it is not Zen
- bad execution, terrible marksmanship, etc.
Recently, I came across a video of lovely ladies (pictures attached) doing things just perfect:
- efficient graceful movements,
- meditative mind and pose
- good marksmanship
What a joy to finally see a true art of Japanese archery! I have much to learn from them.
The art of Japanese archery is based on simple principles:
- practice a perfect form until it becomes you (muscle memory)
- practice without any unnecessary movements, good posture, efficiency of moves
- practice until hitting of the target is the outcome of your actions, not a goal
- let your mind become one with your action, no distractions
So often it makes me just sick to watch it, as if they were doing the opposite of the original intent:
- wobbly grandpas and grandmas that obviously never practice anymore,
- badly choreographed and unnecessary movements such as Shinto priests carrying the bow by one end like a little baby, which may be respectful, but it is not Zen
- bad execution, terrible marksmanship, etc.
Recently, I came across a video of lovely ladies (pictures attached) doing things just perfect:
- efficient graceful movements,
- meditative mind and pose
- good marksmanship
What a joy to finally see a true art of Japanese archery! I have much to learn from them.
The art of Japanese archery is based on simple principles:
- practice a perfect form until it becomes you (muscle memory)
- practice without any unnecessary movements, good posture, efficiency of moves
- practice until hitting of the target is the outcome of your actions, not a goal
- let your mind become one with your action, no distractions
Jumong (2006) - Archery Contest (ep. 21)
This is not for real, a soap opera, but it is cool to watch anyway.
Stoic philosophy vs. Zen
Stoic philosophy vs. Zen
Both of the ways of life show similarities; both favor austerity and thoughtfulness, pursuit of quality in all doings and virtue. Both believe in the natural turn of things, here, however lies the biggest difference. Stoics distinguish things that are right, wrong and neutral, leaving very little gray area between them. Someone is either virtuous sage, or a burr, sadly this has very exclusive and aristocratic overtone. Also, as we all know, and Zen Buddhism supports, things are not black, or white, the judgement depends on point of view. Someone's garbage is another persons' treasure; just look at archeologists, psychosatrists, lawyers, or soldiers.
We can learn many noble things by studying stoics, some are great heroes of mine, but we must be forwarned about following the absolute truths and virtues, to understand this we may look at the shameful history of Christianity with the Holly Inquisition and more recent persecution and elimination of native religions around the World. Look at other religions that convert the infidels with the sword and fire and maintain its power by keeping the faithul in medival ignorance. We don't have to look too far as our current President Bush is the best example that "we are good, they are bad" might have worked well for the tribal chief, or football coach, but does not score us any cool points in the World. As the side note, Bush is also a great example of why we should separate religion from government, I shall not vote for anybody who considers beliefs anything more than a private and personal matter. Quality and virtue of stoics are still worth and noble goal everyone should strive for, but it is the "way" of living, not some ultimate truth.
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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
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Crater Lake
We hiked from the Park Headquarters to the rim near Visitor Center,
the snow was deep, but the hike was worth it.
the snow was deep, but the hike was worth it.
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Crater Lake,
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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Jessica & Igor wedding
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Jessica and Igor wedding
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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Crater Lake rim
You can see how hard the arctic wind blows. All roads to the crater were closed because of the snow. It was about 24F at the start of the hike, mile and a half below. The lake elevation is 6,178ft (1,883m), the rim is much higher.
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Crater Lake,
Lake Crater rim
We did not spend much time on the rim, the wind was arctic and we had
to race before the sun-set thru the deep-deep snow thru the virgin
forest. It was 4:30 PM when I took this picture, really scary to be
that high and far in the winter mountains.
to race before the sun-set thru the deep-deep snow thru the virgin
forest. It was 4:30 PM when I took this picture, really scary to be
that high and far in the winter mountains.
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Crater Lake,
Crater Lake
Yes, it does snow in Oregon...
from this point, we could not drive, we could only hike to the Crater Lake rim, it was the most grueling hike without the snow shoes (snow rackets), and only Lili did not sink thigh-deep in the snow, but in the end, it was worth it.
from this point, we could not drive, we could only hike to the Crater Lake rim, it was the most grueling hike without the snow shoes (snow rackets), and only Lili did not sink thigh-deep in the snow, but in the end, it was worth it.
Nevada sky
The mountain night sky with 200 miles to the nearest town shows stars
like you have never seen it. The slight move shows the stars actually
better that a perfect still. See the colors of the super-hot blue
stars and cooler red (and yellow) giants...
like you have never seen it. The slight move shows the stars actually
better that a perfect still. See the colors of the super-hot blue
stars and cooler red (and yellow) giants...
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My favorite quotations..
“A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” by Robert A. Heinlein
"We are but habits and memories we chose to carry along." ~ Uki D. Lucas
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