Google IO - major trends: Google Wave, GWT, HTML5
Google IO - free HTC "Magic' ION G2 phone
This year all of the attendees of the Google IO conference in San Francisco were nicely surprised by a generous gift of the newest HTC "Magic" (AKA G2, currently on eBay for $405) UNLOCKED Android phone, along with the T-mobile unlimited 3G 1 month SIM card.
The new handset has a very beautiful design similar on par with iPhone, with no external keyboard.

The Android operating system, in my opinion, does not come close to the user experience provided by the almost 2-year-old iPhone, as if Google did not learn anything during this time, but the situation for Android is now that simple...
A couple of the challenges the Android team faces are the patents Apple has on some of their cool solutions (hand gestures) as well as not knowing what hardware configuration the Android will run: keyboard, or now, trackball, or not, flip screen, or not, screen size, etc.
I see a bright future for Android even if it may not be able to match iPhone in its user experience.
Android is open-source and written in Java which automatically enables thousands more developers to improve it and write applications compared to a relative handful of Objective-C developers for iPhone.
With time, many manufacturers will be releasing phones with Android as their operating system, I am sure that trend will increase and Android will "graduate" from its current status of "geeky, Linux-like mobile OS" to the "Microsoft of mobile OS" as far as a number of users go and hopefully close to Mac's user experience.
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Enable JavaScript on FireFox (All versions)
Enable JavaScript on Internet Explorer (IE6)
Product design & focus groups
in mind. If a new user can use it, the power user will find it a bliss.
"Less is more" -- try to avoid the feature creep, or hanging bells and
whistles just because it is possible, or just because you think they
might be useful. The iPod originally was supposed to have FM radio and
a voice recorder, yet Apple decided against that, despite user feedback.
Have a concise, clear definition of the product, from the
beginning. Make 100% sure user understands it intuitively.
The hardest thing in product development is to determine what NOT to
include, how to simplify the user experience. An average customer who
returns a gadget, does so not because it did not work, but because
they could not figure it out in first 20 minutes.
"Creativity in art and technology is about individual expression. Just
as an artist couldn't produce a painting by conducting a focus group,
Apple doesn't use them either. Jobs can't innovate by asking a focus
group what they want -- they don't know what they want."
Henry Ford once said: "If I'd asked my customers what they wanted,
they'd have said a faster horse."
Observe new users and find out what needs to be refined in the
product, but they cannot tell you what they want, you have to discover
it yourself. All Sony's market research indicated that a Walkman was
going to fail, yet Akio Marita pushed on with his vision and it became
one of the most popular products ever sold. Customers usually don't
know what they want unless it has been already created, and if it was
already created you should not be in this business.
Spend time and effort refining the basic functionality before adding
the next feature. Original, pre-Steve Jobs OS X team had 1 designer on
staff doing ugly gray boxes, after Steve took over they would spent 2
weeks on a single scroll bar until they made it perfect.
As a leader, be strong about these principles, don't give in to the
"design by comitee", or your product will fail.
When the design is good enough?
annoying? Is this good enough?
I found the answer from Apple's Steve Jobs:
"We made the buttons on the screen look so good you'll want to lick them."
Fortune, January 24, 2000
all these poems...
All these poems...
All these poems have no meaning,
mumbo-jumbo without feeling;
The pretty book full of words,
with no love, it strikes no chords;
The pretty book collecting dust
I will read them if I must;
I will read them to myself,
all those thoughts in which I delve;
Rumi's love is not my fate,
in your soul, I've seen my mate;
All these feelings were not fake,
I will read them to the lake;
I will read them to the trees,
you would say "I am so .. amiss";
What a loony would say this?
"... to the lake and to the trees"?
Yet, I know that you will hear,
when your spirit comes quite near;
Not today, and not tomorrow.
you're sad now, your heart is hollow;
When you come in years that follow,
and you'll listen without sorrow;
You will hear it, my dear friend:
I've been asking for your hand.
~ Uki
Browser URL encoding for &
private String replaceSpecialChar(String originalImagePath)
int indexAmp = originalImagePath.indexOf("&");
if (indexAmp > -1)
originalImagePath = originalImagePath.replaceAll("&", "%26");
int indexSpace = originalImagePath.indexOf(" ");
if (indexSpace > -1)
originalImagePath = originalImagePath.replaceAll(" ", "%20");
return originalImagePath;
Printing in GWT
This worked for me!
Internet Explorer 8 compatibility issues
equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7"
Also another issue with GWT/IE is that in the html we assign class="hidden" to our page, but in order to make our page visible again we can't use:
We must use the code below for IE:
RootPanel.get("page").getElement().getStyle().setProperty("visibility", "visible");
Basil, mint, deer curry
As always with my cooking there is at least a dozen of spices in it, I usually "look" for the bouquet by opening various spice jars and sniffing for the right amount to add. I make the curry part by using basic spices, too, not a "curry" mix.
This time I added fresh mint and basil leaves as well as fresh tomatoes.
I have a deer meat because my father hunts, because the meet was in the freezer for a long time it is much softer and better. I like deer for the curry because of it's stronger taste which I like.
Looking at the sky
After the whole day of planting and gardening it is good to lay down on the grass and look at the sky for a moment. It is important to remember why we do all that gardening...
- not (only) because it looks good to the neighbors
- not for the friends and family (they never visit anyway)
- not so it looks pretty when you drive out to work in the morning
- but because sometimes I lay down in this garden and it becomes like a paradise I always dreamed about
Secret garden
These tulips are really pretty, but they are best left in the garden, they don't do well in the vase as cut flowers.
It is important to capture them on the pictures because they bloom and are gone so fast.. like everything else good in our lives.
Reflections of a frustrated programmer & IEx
How to clear browser cache for CSS files
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/html_tags.css?version=xx.xx.xx" type="text/css">
NOT caching
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/html_tags.css" type="text/css">:
Email to SMS
Software Tool: OmniGraffle
Brookfield Zoo, Chicago, Illinois
Prevent image selection and dragging behavior
<img style="moz-user-select: none" unselectable="on" onseletstart="return false;" />
function preventSelection(element) { = 'none';element.unselectable = 'on';element.onselectstart = function() { return false; };}
<img onmousedown="return false;" ondragstart="return false;" />
function preventDrag(element) {element.onmousedown = function() { return false; };element.ondragstart = function() { return false; }; //I.E.}
UN-TAR and UN-ZIP a tar-zipped directory
someserver:/var/www# tar xvfz map.tarmap/map/._.DS_Storemap/.DS_Storemap/.svn/...
My favorite quotations..
“A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” by Robert A. Heinlein
"We are but habits and memories we chose to carry along." ~ Uki D. Lucas
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