Mac OS X Netbook
Computer: Dell Vostro A90
Upgrades: 16 gb SSD and 2gb DDR2 RAM
- towards the end of the tutorial when it says to boot OS X using "-x" user "-x -f" instead which is a force command, when I tried the "-x", all I got was a messed up white display.
- I only had a 8 gb flash drive so i have to use another 2 gb drive to put the 10.5.7 upgrade (unpackaged) and DellEFI onto.
Final Notes:
- OS X takes up about 8.3 gb so either get a bigger SSD or get an external drive.
- I picked up a 16 gb SDHC card (since there's a slot for one and it's basically un-noticeable) .
- My total price came to about $375 with the upgrades and 16 gb SDHC card for the hardware
- a copy of OS X will be $130 as well.
Build a bubbling hydroponic planter with hydroponics system plans from HOW-TO HYDROPONICS: hydroponic system plans and growers guide
GWT Formatting Best Practices
- Do NOT use FlexTable to create input forms.
- Use CSS to style elements
- Use CSS to style column width and alignment
- Use modular code, i.e. group of radio buttons could be a separate method or a class
- Do NOT use indices to format, rather use logical object and methods
Code before re-factoring:
Code after re-factoring:
contentTable.setWidget(BULLETIN_INDEX_1_DIVISION, 0, noWrapLabel("Division:"));
contentTable.setWidget(BULLETIN_INDEX_1_DIVISION, 1, divisionList);
eBook reader
motivated me to try iPhone version. With ability to adjust the fonts
and colors of the pages, even the scroll speed I think I might like it
for my soft-cover needs, on the go, and while reading at night. I am
not sure about getting rid of my hard cover titles quite yet, I love
printed books!
Don't cry for me Curpentino!
Mac, this is as good as it gets.
Very long composite picture
originally it was about 60,000 pixels wide,
but I had to resize it to 8,000 because Pixelmator did not allow me to export/merge layers over 8,000 Pixels wide.
Project management tips
Hibernate: Case Insensitive Query
public List
fetchByCountry(String country) {
DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(MobileCarrier.class);
criteria.add(Restrictions.ilike("country", country, MatchMode.EXACT));
return getHibernateTemplate().findByCriteria(criteria);
GWT best practices
Cloud Computing
Using Skype to save on HR costs
The article below discusses the benefits of using Skype for a video interview before having to pony up the dough to get them out for an interview. Skype offers free video chat to other Skype users which can save your start-up or HR department thousands on first interviews, as well as offer something a little more than a dreary old phone interview.
Take a look at the article below...,8599,1930838,00.html
Pek Pongpaet
“Uki has taken on a great responsibility leading and organizing the Google Technology Meetup Group. He's energized the local developer community by being able to line up great presentations and find great sponsors that allow us to be at great venues for networking. I highly recommend Uki to anyone looking for people to organize and pull together great tech events.” October 17, 2009
Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert
Semi sweet wines from Gruzia (Georgia)
beautiful mountains, seashore, people and wine grown in it's Meditrean
Halwa by Wedel in Poland
I grew up with this sesame treat as well as many other things of which people in Western Europe and USA hardly ever heard of. I guess that is a reminder of having "relations" with Ottoman Empire for hundreds of years.
Text Messages(SMS) from Emails
How it works:
1. Create a new email from your email account
2. Mail to address is: (For AT&T) See: Mobil carriers
SMS Implementation:
1. create a table MobileMessageType for all the mobil companies that your application will support i.e T-Mobil, AT&T, etc. See: Mobil carriers
2. Create a table MobileMessagingSetting with below fields (add more fields as needed such as max. sms per day):
message_type (use MobileMessageType table)
3. Create service classes and DAO
4. Create a mailing functionality which send emails to users using his/her mobil number and carrier email address to
See more mobile carriers gateways:
Why is there no iPhone Bluetooth keyboard? | Fully Equipped - CNET Reviews
loss why I cannot type an article on the keyboard attached to my
iPhone. I had I keyboard for HP Jornada and that was like a DECADE ago!
I am seriously thinking my next phone will be Android, wait! I already
own My Touch, damn, I am a geek.
Mobile Photoshop
From Adobe; Mobile for iPhone provides a fun, seamless experience to view photos with full-screen previews and edit images with gesture-based editing. Consumers can transform their photos with essential edits like crop, rotate and flip. Users can correct and play with color by adjusting the saturation and tint, enhancing the exposure and vibrancy and converting images to black and white. Mobile for iPhone also offers eye-catching special effects. The Sketch tool helps photos look like drawings, and Soft Focus can give photos a subtle blur for artistic effect. With just one click, users can also apply dramatic changes to the look and feel of their photos with effects such as Warm Vintage, Vignette and Pop. Edits or changes can be undone or redone so users can experiment without the worry of losing the original photo.
The Photoshop Mobile App comes with 2GB of space at for free.
You can read more about it and download it from here.
Pixelmator: selection smooth, feather and size ROCK!
Trials and Tribulations of going to GWT 2.0 ms1
PhotoSketch picture software
Mac OS X Netbook
Dell Vostro A90
Upgrade battery and memory
User Experience: Quicken totally fails!
AppEngine: database annotations JDO or JPA
looking at the following comparison it SEEMS like JDO is a better
One of the concerns would be switching back to Hibernate some day when
DataStore upsets me (and it upsets me a lot).
Please let me know what you decided to use yourself.
GWT: KeyDownHandler listening to key typed
GWT graphics
DrawingArea canvas = new DrawingArea(400, 400); panel.add(canvas);
Circle circle = new Circle(100, 100, 50); circle.setFillColor("red"); canvas.add(circle);
Mac OS X: MySQL installation
My favorite quotations..
“A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” by Robert A. Heinlein
"We are but habits and memories we chose to carry along." ~ Uki D. Lucas
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