When you are buying the external hard drive storage, I would recommend looking for eSATA connectors, backing up, or copying videos via USB is very slow.
USB 1.1 – 15 Mbps
FireWire (1394a) – 400 Mbps
USB 2.0 – 480 Mbps
FireWire 800 (1394b) – 800 Mpbs
SATA 1.5 – 1.5 Gbps
SATA 3.0 – 3.0 Gbps
near future:
USB 3.0 - 5Gbps
eSATA version of SATA 6G - 6.0Gb/s
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Roberto Serrano
“I met Uki as the Chicago Leader of GTUG, and at the time I was leading Chicago Androids myself. We hit it off from the start and jointly organized a set of well organized Android and Google tech. related events. Eventually as I left the Chicago Area, Uki took the leadership role for both groups. Uki is a thorough and tireless leader that has done a wonderful job as a host and speaker in multitude of events I attended. You can also tell that he inspires respect and admiration by the way his events are supported by his coworkers and peers.” April 11, 2010
~ Roberto Serrano, Software Developer with the Android Motorola Platform team, Motorola Mobile Devices (business partner)
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I am a candle
I am a candle
which you have tried
with all your might
to stamp right out,
to stamp right out,
and sliced my throat
for the thousandth time
but one bright night
but one bright night
she'll light me up
and I will shine just as bright!
In a vicious battle
In a vicious battle
of dark and right,
life won today,
took all that's mine
it smothered me;
it smothered me;
it trampled me up
-- left me for trash
ripped out my heart,
ripped out my heart,
it's not a wound,
but a blazing gash
but I am a candle
but I am a candle
and I will shine
Google Documents - please show this to your boss!
We have been using Google docs and Google sites for collaboration for couple of years now, but there are still people who have not heard about the concept. Here is a video to help.
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Using HTML panel
I needed to create a subscript text with a link that open up a new popup with different content. Since HorizontalPanel does not work, I used HTMLPanel and use the table tag, which contained element id as shown below.
Click on below image to read the code: CSS
CSS code:
Here is how it looks:
Click on below image to read the code: CSS
CSS code:
.subscript {
font-size: xx-small;
vertical-align: bottom;
.hyperlink_subscript {
text-decoration: none;
cursor: pointer;
color: #0099FF;
font-size: xx-small;
font-weight: normal;
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My favorite quotations..
“A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” by Robert A. Heinlein
"We are but habits and memories we chose to carry along." ~ Uki D. Lucas
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