CouponCabin mobile app has exceeded 105,000 downloads in just a few short months and with the current rate of daily downloads it may soon became the most popular app created by CyberWalkAbout team.
CouponCabin mobile app is available on Android Play and Apple Store.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Simple HTTP server using Python
1) Change to your www directory, a location of your files, include at least index.html:
$ cd /Users/uki/Python/web/SimpleHTTPServer/www
2) Start server at port you want:
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
3) Open: http://localhost:8080/
4) Monitor requests:
uki:www uki$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
Serving HTTP on port 8080 ... - - [13/Aug/2012 20:21:00] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [13/Aug/2012 20:21:00] code 404, message File not found - - [13/Aug/2012 20:21:00] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [13/Aug/2012 20:21:12] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [13/Aug/2012 20:21:12] code 404, message File not found - - [13/Aug/2012 20:21:12] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 -
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Web Server
Transparent Button with an Icon
To create a button that is wide enough to press, but transparent, with the icon inside:
android:src="@drawable/save" />
svn: Commit failed
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Directory '/trunk/XYZ' is out of date
Delete the project including the source files and check it out again.
Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lcom/androidquery/AbstractAQuery;
[2012-08-09 22:41:36 - Yachts and Tall Ships] Dx 1 error; aborting
[2012-08-09 22:41:36 - Yachts and Tall Ships] Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1
Once again, I looked thru all sub projects (library projects) and noticed that I have android-query-0.22.10.jar included twice in two library project libs folders.
I moved the jar to what we call lib_common/libs and referenced that jar from there everywhere I needed.
Do not include the same class name in different library projects, use a single common project were you keep your commonly used jars.
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Format JSON in free TextWrangler
Here is an easy way to get formatted JSON in FREE TextWrangler:
Create text (Python) file:
~/Library/Application\ Support/TextWrangler/Text\ Filters/Format\
import fileinput
import json
if __name__ == "__main__":
text = ''
for line in fileinput.input():
text = text + ' ' + line.strip()
jsonObj = json.loads(text)
print json.dumps(jsonObj, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
or shorter:
import fileinput
import json
print json.dumps( json.loads(''.join([line.strip() for line in fileinput.input()])), sort_keys=True, indent=2)
Save it and use it!
It take time and effort to create tutorials, please support my efforts with a couple dollar donation, any amount will be greatly appreciated!
Create text (Python) file:
~/Library/Application\ Support/TextWrangler/Text\ Filters/Format\
import fileinput
import json
if __name__ == "__main__":
text = ''
for line in fileinput.input():
text = text + ' ' + line.strip()
jsonObj = json.loads(text)
print json.dumps(jsonObj, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
or shorter:
import fileinput
import json
print json.dumps( json.loads(''.join([line.strip() for line in fileinput.input()])), sort_keys=True, indent=2)
Save it and use it!
It take time and effort to create tutorials, please support my efforts with a couple dollar donation, any amount will be greatly appreciated!
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Pine needle tea for good health
Our modern society lost what was a common knowledge in the old days. This post is no news to many in outdoors pioneer circles. My mom gathered wild rose hips, herbs like chamomile for tea. I grew up surrounded by alpine forests and frequenting weekend long hikes to mountains.
Yet this one has totally escaped me Pine needle tea!
What was more strange that when I was growing up the lemons were hard to come by, and everyone had to have their tea with lemon, for the taste, and for vitamin C content. Yet, I never have heard of pine tea.
The thing is that pine tea, which we could have in unlimited supply, have about 5 times the amount of vitamin C than lemons or orange juice. American Indians have been using it for that purpose.
Pine needles are, of course, not as tasty as lemon, but once I learned about their quality I decided to fix the situation. I have 3 young White Pines in my garden, hence the easy supply.
The way I prepare the tea is by taking a handful of fresh needles and cut them in the 1/2 inch pieces and add little black tea for flavor and some cardamon spice seeds. I boil the water and steep it all in a French press. When the tea cools down it is a truly good drink.
In addition to immunity-boosting vitamin C, pine needless contain vitamin A that helps eyes and oils that influence digestion and are helpful in aromatherapy of respiratory system. The tea also has antioxidants (flavonoids) that prevent aging and tumor growth by binding free radicals. It is also reported to help with the cardiovascular system.
Yet this one has totally escaped me Pine needle tea!
What was more strange that when I was growing up the lemons were hard to come by, and everyone had to have their tea with lemon, for the taste, and for vitamin C content. Yet, I never have heard of pine tea.
The thing is that pine tea, which we could have in unlimited supply, have about 5 times the amount of vitamin C than lemons or orange juice. American Indians have been using it for that purpose.
Pine needles are, of course, not as tasty as lemon, but once I learned about their quality I decided to fix the situation. I have 3 young White Pines in my garden, hence the easy supply.
The way I prepare the tea is by taking a handful of fresh needles and cut them in the 1/2 inch pieces and add little black tea for flavor and some cardamon spice seeds. I boil the water and steep it all in a French press. When the tea cools down it is a truly good drink.
In addition to immunity-boosting vitamin C, pine needless contain vitamin A that helps eyes and oils that influence digestion and are helpful in aromatherapy of respiratory system. The tea also has antioxidants (flavonoids) that prevent aging and tumor growth by binding free radicals. It is also reported to help with the cardiovascular system.
Chicago's Top 100 Digital Companies
I would recommend a great article in Forbes about startups in Chicago by Kelly Reid with infographics by Adam Calica.
"The 193 companies founded in 2011 bucks the trend; there were only 170 companies founded in the prior two years, indicating very positive growth. 193 startups in a year amounts to a new company founded every two days. While we might not have the raw numbers that the Valley has, we have the growth."
Although is not mentioned, the companies were selected by number of employees, I am sure we will be mentioned in the future article about "Most Innovative Technology Companies in Chicago"
Full Article:
"The 193 companies founded in 2011 bucks the trend; there were only 170 companies founded in the prior two years, indicating very positive growth. 193 startups in a year amounts to a new company founded every two days. While we might not have the raw numbers that the Valley has, we have the growth."
Although is not mentioned, the companies were selected by number of employees, I am sure we will be mentioned in the future article about "Most Innovative Technology Companies in Chicago"
Full Article:
PS: Congratulations making top 50 -- Uki was one of the first employee in that company.
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Built in Chicago,
The Double Duty Mommy reviews Coupon Cabin app
The Double Duty Mommy reviews Coupon Cabin app:
"I found a 60% coupon for Vistaprint (hello, BlogHer business cards!), 20% Bath & Body Works, 10% at, but more importantly I love all the grocery store coupons."
Check out the amounts of comments she received for this review, wow!
To read full review visit:
CouponCabin mobile app has been designed and developed by team and is available on Android Play and Apple Store.
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Squirrel Hunting Season in Illinois
As the hunting season for squirrels is opening in Illinois, it would be interesting to mention few facts about these animals.
Squirrels like to live in oak and hickory groves where they feed and bury the nuts, only about 80% of nuts are recovered, so they actively help the plant spread. Squirrels are active only in the vicinity of their nest and they don't travel far, but they will venture to nearby grain, or corn field.
Squirrels don't come to the calls, but they get aggravated by them and by making their own calls they betray their position.
When hunting with a bow, shooting up the trees is not a good idea, therefore a patient stocking is a better method than calling.
Squirrels when threaten like to run the opposite side of the tree so patience and shooting them on the ground is the best option.
When overpopulated for a given nut harvest, squirrels will eat more then their normal share of nuts and trees with not get a chance to sprout. In absence of natural predators like wolves and birds of pray hunting helps to maintain the balance. Coyotes, who are not native to Illinois do help.
The limit is 5 squirrels a day and total of 10 in possession.
Squirrels like to live in oak and hickory groves where they feed and bury the nuts, only about 80% of nuts are recovered, so they actively help the plant spread. Squirrels are active only in the vicinity of their nest and they don't travel far, but they will venture to nearby grain, or corn field.
Squirrels don't come to the calls, but they get aggravated by them and by making their own calls they betray their position.
When hunting with a bow, shooting up the trees is not a good idea, therefore a patient stocking is a better method than calling.
Squirrels when threaten like to run the opposite side of the tree so patience and shooting them on the ground is the best option.
When overpopulated for a given nut harvest, squirrels will eat more then their normal share of nuts and trees with not get a chance to sprout. In absence of natural predators like wolves and birds of pray hunting helps to maintain the balance. Coyotes, who are not native to Illinois do help.
The limit is 5 squirrels a day and total of 10 in possession. Releases iPad Version of Popular Savings App.
Thirty-Five Percent of Tablet Owners Have Redeemed a Coupon on Their Device Releases iPad Version of Popular Savings App.
WHITING, Ind., July 31, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Laptops are out, tablets are in. Look around a coffee shop or into the homes of Americans, and you're likely to find a tablet. In fact, a new survey reveals that one-in-five (20 percent) U.S. adults own and use a tablet computer such as an iPad, Kindle Fire or Xoom. Adults ages 35-44 reported the highest instance of tablet ownership, at 29 percent. This survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Interactive on behalf of CouponCabin from June 20th - 22nd, 2012, among 2,214 U.S. adults ages 18 and older.Regardless of the age of tablet users, they're spending a lot of time on their devices. When asked how much time they spend on their tablets on a typical day, tablet owners said the following:
- Less than one hour – 53 percent
- One hour to less than two hours – 47 percent
- 2 hours or more – 16 percent
One of the more popular activities on tablet computers is shopping. Nearly one-third of tablet owners (32 percent) report their favorite activity on their device is online shopping, while 35 percent of tablet owners have redeemed a coupon using their tablet. In addition, nearly six-in-ten (57 percent) tablet owners shop on their device while watching TV.
To help shoppers who use tablets save money quickly and easily, has launched a free all-in-one coupon app for iPad that allows users to access coupons in every coupon category, including grocery, printable for in-store use, and online codes for hundreds of online retailers. In addition, users of the CouponCabin app will find gas price comparisons, amazing deals on must-have products, free samples and coupons for local stores and restaurants. This version is an update to CouponCabin's popular smartphone app.
"Tablets are such a popular device for shoppers, we wanted to make sure we were providing an optimal shopping experience for those who want to use CouponCabin to save money," said Jackie Warrick, President and Chief Savings Officer at "Our tablet app is a great complement to our smartphone app that is already in-market. In fact, our research shows that 55 percent of those who own a smartphone and tablet would be more likely to use a tablet to make a purchase. Now we can help those shoppers find the best deals as easily as possible no matter how they're shopping."
To download the CouponCabin iPad app, please visit:
For more information, please visit:
About is a leading online destination for coupons including online coupon codes, printables, grocery coupons and more. Shoppers have saved nearly $250 million since 2003 and with the largest selection of coupons guaranteed to work, CouponCabin is the best place to start searching for savings. The average user saves $19 in just 80 seconds on the site. With customized email newsletters, browser savings alerts, new coupon alerts and more, shoppers will never miss out on a great deal with CouponCabin. For more information, please visit
Survey Methodology:
This survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Interactive on behalf of CouponCabin from June 20th - 22nd, 2012 among 2,214 U.S. adults ages 18 and older. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore, no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables, please contact: Allison Nawoj,
The app has been designed and developed by team
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CouponCabin app at BlogHer 2012 in New York City
CouponCabin mobile application for iPad will be presented at BlogHer 2012 in New York City. The app has been designed and developed by team and is available in Apple Store and Android market (Play Store). This is the 8th annual BlogHer conference with over 4,000 attendees.
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New York
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My favorite quotations..
“A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” by Robert A. Heinlein
"We are but habits and memories we chose to carry along." ~ Uki D. Lucas
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