Updating Anaconda TensorFlow on Mac for use with jupyter notebook

I have been running TensorFlow, but it has been acting up and needed an update.

# Initializing the variables
# init = tf.initialize_all_variables() # older TF 0.11.0-py35_0 conda-forge
init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # newer TF 0.12.1-py35_1 conda-forge

Check what environment you are running, especially if you switch often, or just restarted the computer.

$ conda info --envs
# conda environments:
CarND-TensorFlow-Lab /Users/ukilucas/anaconda3/envs/CarND-TensorFlow-Lab
IntroToTensorFlow /Users/ukilucas/anaconda3/envs/IntroToTensorFlow
py3 /Users/ukilucas/anaconda3/envs/py3
py35 /Users/ukilucas/anaconda3/envs/py35
root * /Users/ukilucas/anaconda3

I have been running "nohup jupyter notebook &" command and my Jupyter Notebook did not see my newest TensorFlow environments. I wanted to update my root anyway.

I execute the following:

$ conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow
Fetching package metadata .........
Solving package specifications: ..........
Package plan for installation in environment /Users/ukilucas/anaconda3:

The following packages will be UPDATED:

protobuf: 3.0.0-py35_0 conda-forge --> 3.1.0-py35_0 conda-forge
tensorflow: 0.11.0-py35_0 conda-forge --> 0.12.1-py35_1 conda-forge
Proceed ([y]/n)? y
Unlinking packages ...
[ COMPLETE ]|#####################| 100%
Linking packages ...
[ COMPLETE ]|#####################| 100%


I decided to create my TensorFlow in a new environment because I have Python 3.6:

$ python --version 
Python 3.6.0 :: Continuum Analytics, Inc.

$  conda create -n tensorflow python=3.5 

Another option is DOWNGRADE Python 3.6 to Python 3.5

$ conda install python=3.5

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