Microsoft Excel spreadsheet creates 1,048,576 rows!

I am sorry Microsoft, I really thought you have improved, but sometimes you just amaze me...

I bought my own Office license, so I am a paying customer.

The Excel creates 1,048,576 rows and yes, this brings the spreadsheet to a holt.

I am not making this up, there is an official post on it:

The question is why in the world would you do it to a new spreadsheet with a few rows of actual data?

Force-killing frozen Excel

Re-opening the Excel reveals the same condition.

Select and Delete All Empty Rows

You can select and delete all rows below your last row with data.
- Select the first EMPTY row.
Depending on your keyboard you can use the following key combination:
- Control + END
- Right click and select DELETE

IT WORKS, then it recreated 1,048,576 rows!
The developer who created this functionality should be forced to do some very unpleasant things for each row created.

Hiding millions of rows and columns

Some people suggest to select and hide the offending rows and columns (to the right).
I have used it, but I think it is stupid, the rows are still there.

Select and Clear All Empty Rows

Since the cells were auto-generated, I am not sure why the article is suggesting this, but I tried this too.

- Select all empty cells (same as above)
- Right click and "Clear Contents"
- Save file
- Close
- Open file
No difference

Try #2

- Select all empty cells (same as above)
- Home > Clear > Clear All
- Save file
- Close
- Open file
No difference

The file on the disk is 29.5 MB

The Best Solution

- Select ALL POPULATED cells
- Open Apple Numbers
- paste cells
- Export file to Excel when you have to send it to coworkers

The file on the disk is 8 kB

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