
I came across FreeCAD software in the context of sailboat design.
I don't know how useful or easy it is to learn, but I found some promising results online.

Here is the download page for MacOS, Linux, and Windows.

From the FreeCAD page:

"While the FreeCAD core functionality is coded in C++ for robustness and performance, large parts of the external layers, workbenches, and almost all the communication between the core and the user interface is coded in Python, a flexible, user-friendly, easy-to-learn programming language. From Python code, you can do just anything in FreeCAD, from simple one-line commands in the integrated Python console to recording macros, coding your own tools up to full custom workbenches."

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My favorite quotations..

“A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”  by Robert A. Heinlein

"We are but habits and memories we chose to carry along." ~ Uki D. Lucas

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