Axis: installation

Axis installation

ulucas@LTBPK05D1 /cygdrive/c/opt/axis
$ wget
13:08:35 (267.78 KB/s- `axis-bin-1_4.tar.gz' saved [8093928/8093928]

ulucas@LTBPK05D1 /cygdrive/c/opt/axis
$ ls

ulucas@LTBPK05D1 /cygdrive/c/opt/axis
$ gunzip axis-bin-1_4.tar.gz

ulucas@LTBPK05D1 /cygdrive/c/opt/axis
$ ls

ulucas@LTBPK05D1 /cygdrive/c/opt/axis
$ tar xfv axis-bin-1_4.tar

in your ~/bashrc set up the following variables (make sure you re-run the bashrc):

export AXIS_HOME=/opt/axis/axis-1_4
export CLASS_PATH=$CLASS_PATH:$AXIS_HOME/lib/axis-ant.jar
export CLASS_PATH=$CLASS_PATH:$AXIS_HOME/lib/axis.jar
export CLASS_PATH=$CLASS_PATH:$AXIS_HOME/lib/commons-discovery-0.2.jar
export CLASS_PATH=$CLASS_PATH:$AXIS_HOME/lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
export CLASS_PATH=$CLASS_PATH:$AXIS_HOME/lib/jaxrpc.jar
export CLASS_PATH=$CLASS_PATH:$AXIS_HOME/lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar
export CLASS_PATH=$CLASS_PATH:$AXIS_HOME/lib/saaj.jar
export CLASS_PATH=$CLASS_PATH:$AXIS_HOME/lib/wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar

export CLASS_PATH=$CLASS_PATH:$MAVEN_REPO/javax/activation/activation/1.1/activation-1.1.jar
export CLASS_PATH=$CLASS_PATH:$MAVEN_REPO/javax/mail/mail/1.3.3_01/mail-1.3.3_01.jar 

export tcpmon="java org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon"
export wsdl2java="java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -t "

Be aware Axis 4.1.1 brings dependency for the AXIS 1.2-RC1.jar which is NOT compatible with the newest AXIS 1.4!!!
add dependencies to the project, this will copy the jars to your local box ~/.m2/repository:



Axis installation is mentioned on: AXIS

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“A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”  by Robert A. Heinlein

"We are but habits and memories we chose to carry along." ~ Uki D. Lucas

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