Exploring My Digital Publishing Journey Across BlogSpot, SubStack, and BeeHiiv
At BlogSpot.com, I have cultivated a vast repository with thousands of posts, leveraging its ease of use and excellent tagging system.
On SubStack.com, I focus on polished articles, engaging a dedicated community of subscribers and fellow writers.
BeeHiiv.com serves as my platform for distributing "le crème de la crème" of my work via email, aiming to reach readers who prefer curated content directly in their inboxes.
Which content websites do I currently use?
A keen observer will notice that I have been using BlogSpot.com for decades.
There, I have thousands of posts in various forms of refinement.
Then, I have SubStack.com, where I post finished articles to be shared with the community of fellow writers and friends who subscribed.
Finally, I have BeeHiiv.com, where I want my readers to subscribe to receive emails with "le crème de la crème" of my writings.
BlogSpot vs. SubStack vs. BeeHiiv comparison (diagram)
Why is blogging and email architecture so complicated?
The architecture is complicated because no single app does everything well.
- I like to start articles on the go from the phone when I get an idea (not on BeeHiiv)
- I like to draft articles on the phone from a cafe (not on BeeHiiv)
- I have thousands of articles on BlogSpot and good traffic
What are the best platforms for digital writers?
- There is no clear answer; this is why I use all three.
- I would probably not advise you to start with BlogSpot at this time
- If I was starting for the LOVE OF WRITING, I would use SubStack
- If I were starting to build a massive mailing list for commerce, I would start with BeeHiiv
- easy to cross-link by TAG
- easy to create a DRAFT on the phone
- easy to PUBLISH a quick note
- thousands of posts published
- tens of thousands of page views per month
- questionable appearance
- possible to draft a post on the phone
- easy to send posts to subscribers via email
- the best appearance out of the box
- NO label tag crosslinking
- restrictive for import of email list
- the best support of emails and statistics
- It is not a real blog, just an archive of emails sent
- the questionable appearance of the home page
Here are a couple books on blogging.
Please VIEW them on Amazon.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
by Victoria and Charlie Rock
Revamping Your SEO: Expert Insights on Optimizing Internal Links with Cyrus Shepard
He explains common mistakes in internal linking strategies and offers insights to improve link value and enhance SEO performance.
The presentation targets website owners and SEO specialists who aim to refine their internal linking practices to improve site navigation and search engine rankings.
What are the common mistakes in internal linking?
- navigation only links
- same TEXT URL links (use #keword to vary)
- lack of image links
To really know
To study is to know more.
The more you know,
the more you know what you do not know.
And, once you know that you know so very little.
You will know that you are an imposter.
But once you realize it all, you will really know.
And you will be a wizard, you will write it all
and sing and paint, and be an artist.
Please SUBSCRIBE: https://ukidlucas.beehiiv.com/
Mastering Time: How 365 Days of Habits Can Transform Your Life
How do I manage my time?
The answer boils down to habits.
Before discussing habits, I would like to talk about exponential growth.
Why is exponential growth a crucial concept for success?
exponential growth is a gateway to personal success.
this could be a $100 bill saved under the bed mattress or your current skillset.
or reinvest what you have.
- So, doing nothing, we still have $100
- Daily adding a cent (0.01 of a dollar) leaves us with $103.65
- Reinvesting the capital and increasing it by 0.01 daily gives us $37,783
I know constantly growing your capital at 1% (0.01) daily is not sustainable.
I gave you the numbers for dramatic effect. Otherwise, you would not be impressed.
Skills do grow at an exponential rate.
Think about car driving.
At first, you go slow and wobbly, but soon after, you are cruising on the highway at 85 mph while eating a hamburger with one hand and drinking a 24-oz Coke with another. There are so many things wrong with this picture.
What are my time management habits?
I get plenty of sleep; it is crucial. I am writing this first because I know plenty of people who like living on credit. Trust me, this creditor is merciless. Do not borrow here.
I get up at 5 AM every day of the week.
I tried to get up at zero-dark-thirty for a while, but I was tired all day. 5 a.m. is just right.
My best thinking time is early morning before people show up. I guard this time for the best intellectual work.
I use the 15-minute retrospective rule. Review how you have spent the last 15 minutes and ask yourself if it improved your life. If not, change what you are doing.
I do not like wasting time. I treasure a good conversation with a friend, I like poetry, and I stop to smell flowers or at least take a photo, but I hate wasting time.
Social Media kills our productivity. I watch many videos but always do it to learn something interesting.
Gaming kills productivity. I am considering them as an equivalent of hard drugs and allow none.
I try to be in the office every workday. I do not believe in working from home. You have to be present and in the action, or you lose.
I like taking time off at midday, walking during lunchtime, or napping. The latter is difficult at work, but I will do it when I retire.
How do I learn new habits?
Many will say that getting up at 5 a.m. and watching every 15 minutes is crazy and too hard.
I could talk about motivation and setting the right environment to avoid excuses, but I no longer believe in that.
It is hard to explain, but being a Stoic Philosopher or at least a follower does it for me.
When I face a decision to do it or be lazy, a voice in my head says to me:
"You are not the kind of person to make this bad decision."
That is all, voices in my head. :)
#book | The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business | Charles Duhigg |
#book | Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad | by James Clear |
Please SUBSCRIBE: https://ukidlucas.beehiiv.com/
Facebook asked me to compare 9 years ago vs now
Only 9 years ago
- 2303 reviews
Not too shabby.
- couldn't log in
Vacation in Greece
Coming soon
For a lifelong student of anthropology, history, and philosophy, as well as an avid SCUBA and free diver, a trip to Greece is high on the bucket list.
And YES, it will happen this summer!
#book | Breakfast with Seneca: A Stoic Guide to the Art of Living | by David R. Fidelerr |
#book | More Than Happiness: Buddhist and Stoic Wisdom for a Sceptical Age | by Antonia Macaro |
When you know you live in the right town (Sammamish / Redmond)
You know when you live in the right town when, on a single walk, you have to cross under a fallen tree and chase a coyote out of your path.
A couple of weeks ago, while on a motorcycle, a large black bear stopped in the middle of the road about half a mile from our kids' elementary school.
kids | Hoverboard |
Your own reading and bloging place of inspiration.
It is important to have your own creative place.
I needed a place to read and write blogs, but my computer desk wasn't inspiring. Like anyone elses's, my life is full of procrastination and excuses.
In Europe, they used to make those wide parapets that just invited you to sit on. If I ever build my own house, I will design them in.
Sitting in front of two huge monitors is not creative, does not give you the "long perspective". The computer desk is good for editing, linking and posting. I write ideas on my phone, anyway.
I got this chair when my wife updated her home office.
After trying a few positions I found one that puts me in the mood.
The extra bonus is that the air vent is where my feet are, it is brilliant!
#book | Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life through the Power of Storytelling | Matthew Dicks |
Why do I wear wool
I have been wearing wool products for a very long time now.
The highlanders of the region where I was born
were wearing wool in winter and summer.
I could never understand the woolen pants!
Our family had a herd of sheep, too.
I used to feed sheep kids with the baby milk bottle, they followed us everywhere. My favorite were "Pieszczocha" the "cuddly one" and "Waluta" which name is a funny story that would be lost in translation here.
I do not think I have any pictures from those times.
What are the benefits of wool?
- Does not smell like cotton even after a long days in mountains
- Maintains ~80% of heat insulation when soaking wet
- Keeps warmer in winter
- Keep cool in summer
- Super soft and delicate (Merino and Alpaca)
What wool products do I wear?
I wear:
- T-shirts
- Long sleeve shorts
- Sweaters
- Socks
- Scarves
- Neck gaiters for skiing
- Wool hat, highlander style
- I have not found pants I like
- Thermal underwear in winter
Summer socks
clothing | Socks, Unisex Merino Wool Ultra-Light | Zeal Wood |
clothing | T-Shirt, Merino Wool, Men | Merino Tech |
clothing | Neck Gaiter - 100% Merino Wool | Minus 33 Merino Wool |
My favorite quotations..
“A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” by Robert A. Heinlein
"We are but habits and memories we chose to carry along." ~ Uki D. Lucas
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