5:15 PM - Uki D. Lucas (Chicago-GTUG.com):
- Introduction
5:30 PM - Gregory Kick (Google.com)
- GData, Guice, Google collections
5:45 PM - Jordan Beck (Revere Group)
- hosting on Google Code
- GWT and Google AppEngine
- Photo Carousel example Widget
6:05 PM - David Wolverton (Revere Group)
- Facebook for Google Web Toolkit
6:30 PM - Trevor Skaife (Revere Group)
- Maven2 dependencies with Google Web Toolkit
6:45 PM - David Wolverton (Revere Group)
- OpenSocial
- Google Friend Connect for Google Web Toolkit
7:00 PM - David Lo (Revere Group)
- Building mobile applications with Android
7:15 PM - Phil Wodarczyk (Revere Group)
- Building application with iPhone (cool bonus presentation)
7:30 PM - 8:00 PM
- Questions and Answers
Purpose of these meetings:
We would like if after this meeting you go home and by Sunday night had a little social application deployed.
- think tank
- open-source project support
- established enterprise education
- new idea/start-up incubator
A new generation of websites using social networking:

angel investments:
Do not leave tonight without stopping by and saying hello, leave your business card!
- Google Wave
- Android in-depth
- Google Maps for GWT
- Friend Connect in depth