The concept of "coupled oscillators" is absolutely riveting to me and I want to explore it deeper.
I have a clear intuitive understanding of how it works and I think I could write a simple computer program to showcase it ( firefly synch ), maybe I can follow up on that later #todo
The occurrence of synchronized coupled oscillators is common all over in biology from single-cell organisms to humans, as well as in astronomy, physics, and computer networks.
It is the #AI field that is getting me excited. Imagine a #distributed network, or rather a #graph, of nodes doing constant analysis of the input data flow, traditionally, they would wait for a signal, process it, discharge the output, and wait for the next one.
I want it ( the graph) to create a state where the info is disseminated, nodes synchronized, created the state and reported on it to the "secondary" and "tertiary" observer and "reporter" nodes, then the whole system discharged that state and while creating the output ( e.g. chat response), took that "previous" state and any new information from the outside as an input to the next cycle.