Fresh installation is recommended.
Mac: use Cocoa 32 bit
Extract in Applications directory, for example:
Drag /Applications/IDE/eclipse/ to your dock to make a shortcut.
2) Download GWT SDK:
Extract the zip in any location, example:
Mac: use Cocoa 32 bit
Extract in Applications directory, for example:
Drag /Applications/IDE/eclipse/ to your dock to make a shortcut.
2) Download GWT SDK:
Extract the zip in any location, example:
3) Install Eclipse GWT Plugin:
download and extract into Eclipse dropins directory
You should have this, or newer:
download and extract into Eclipse dropins directory
You should have this, or newer:
Restart Eclipse, you should see the plugin.
If for any reason you don't see these 3 icons, delete Eclipse installation, and extract all again from the downloaded archives, take about 1 minute.
Following steps are optional depending on what you are using:
4) Install Eclipse SVN plugin: Menu.. Help.. Install new software...
You should be able to browse any SVN repositories by selecting..
and typing SVN in the search, then selecting "SVN repositories"
5) Install Eclipse Maven plugin: Menu.. Help.. Install New Software ...

Please post comments and help tips