ch004: military service

The war bow Vardlokkur was carrying was one of the few material things that reminded him of the military service, already over a decade ago. That bow, and certain traits were only the surface, inside the service left much deeper marks.

Vardlokkur, like all young men of his country had to serve for four years. Just as it was the custom, he reported to local garrison on his eighteen birthday. That day he, and few other young men, were interviewed by the old war-worn officer that was visiting all the posts in the mountains. They were asked about tracking, bow hunting
and living off the mountains, which was a good sign because serving in the neighboring mountains was the best thing that could happen to a highlander like Vardlokkur. Many other young men were fighting the never-ending wars on the great steppes together with the great armies of many people and nationalities. Much to his surprise, the next day he was ordered to join a small unit and march North, but not to the great
steppes, but farther to the sea, he was to join the great army training grounds.

The march was long and strenuous, over 1200 miles, and what he did not know it was the first part of the training. On the way up, they were to hunt for food, make fire and shelter and avoid contact with the
locals. All of this under the ever-watching eye of the seasoned warriors that lead them, the warriors just watched, did not help. After about 20 days, of which most was spent crossing the mountains in the South they reached the sea side. It was a first time Vardlokkur had seen so much water. This was also the first time he had seen so many soldiers, there were at least thirty thousand of them, training and preparing constantly.

Vardlokkur has joined the regular training that consisted of a lot of physical training, long marches and runs, formation fighting, fortification building and fortification machinery maintenance, all of that large scale army stuff. After few weeks of that he became quite accustomed to it and frankly a little dismayed. Army was not what he dreamt of, the large numbers of lowly skilled men, trained to hold their spears in certain way to prevent cavalry to pass, train to hit with their spears in attack, and shooting their bows at angle to blanket the enemy with arrows some 200 paces away. It was boring.

About the same time the old war-warn officer returned form the tour of the mountain posts . All suddenly, most of the young highlanders were called in and there were about 150 of them all together from different
parts of the mountains, yet all belonging to more-or-less same nation.

The old warrior stood in front of them. They noticed that he was short, much shorter than any of them, he was also of dark in complexion, like one of the people from the far South-East, Catalonia some said, far, even beyond the mountain ranges Vardlokkur came from. He spoke in a calm, yet attention riveting voice:

"So, boys, how was the vacation so far?"

The gentle wave went thru the crowd, it was no vacation at all, they all trained and had hardly any time to sleep. Nobody said anything, the Catalonian was not a person to contradict, without having your head ripped off by one of the old mean looking warriors that stood behind him.

"Well, so how are your field archery skills, any good?"

"Outstanding, sir" - the youth answered in unison as taught.

"And do you like your new shiny red uniforms?" - ask the Catalonian

"Yes, sir" they screamed, just then noticing that the old warriors clothing were somewhat drab, indistinguishable.

"Well, boys, from today on, I will be your commanding officer and these are your new teachers.." - he said pointing at the warriors in the back without turning around - ".. we go way back, .. way back.. now, ladies, do me a favor and FORGET all of what you have learned in this great shiny army, the training starts tomorrow before

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My favorite quotations..

“A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”  by Robert A. Heinlein

"We are but habits and memories we chose to carry along." ~ Uki D. Lucas

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