How do I deal with competition?

See the photo below. When I was posting my previous article on (Twitter) I was literally following a post of Elon Musk.

I thought it was funny when I grabbed this screenshot. 

So how do you compete with Elon Musk on Social Media?

- If you are young, you could try to outlive him.

- If you are resilient, you can tune him out.

- If you are a fan, you could join him.

- Today, I chose to re-post him.

Ok, personal delusions about Elon being one's competition aside, I will try to cover the topic of social media competition in the future, but tonight is too late for that.

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So how do you complete?

I used to be a competitive runner, I think my name is still on my school’s leaderboard, at least it used to be there for decades.

I my career I was trying to  prove myself as imposter syndrom was my modus operandi and followed me always.

I noticed that once I was in the groove in a given job, I wanted to move on and do something bigger, something more in tune with the times.

Never compete with people who are already on your level or below. 

First, it shows how petty you are, second it is not “sportive”, third teaching, mentoring and cooperating leaves a clean wake behind you and sailing is smoother.

Always look for solutions do not see problems.

Ok, so when I was posting my articles, seeing Elon’s post competing did not discourage me, even that I knew that all of the people like me will gravitate to Elon and not my post. It is like walking to a party where the popular kid is already getting all the attention.

Instead I grabbed the screenshot as I thought it was a great setup for the next article on competition.



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My favorite quotations..

“A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”  by Robert A. Heinlein

"We are but habits and memories we chose to carry along." ~ Uki D. Lucas

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